About to rebuild kernel after renaming my system.

From: Peter Chapin <pchapin_at_twilight.vtc.vsc.edu>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 15:43:44 -0400 (EDT)


When I first brought my system up I gave it a temporary name. I'm using
DEC Unix v4.0A. A few weeks later I renamed it to it's final, production
name using the Network Configuration Application from the SysMan
Configuration Checklist. In particular, I revised the hostname in the
Ethernet Interface dialog box. This seemed to mostly work.

I am about to rebuild the kernel. However, I notice a number of places
under the /sys directory structure where the old name is still being used.
I could rebuild the kernel using the old system name to identify it, but
that is sort of annoying. I'd rather just update the names under /sys to
reflect the new, true name. Here are the places I've identified as needing
to be changed:

  The name of the config-file needs to be changed as does the "ident"
  field in that file.

  The name of this file reflecting layered products needs to be changed.

  The name of this directory needs to be changed.

  The name of this binary file needs to be changed. I'm not sure what
  this file is for.

  This file needs to be edited so that the .mod file above is correctly

  The name of this file needs to be changed and it needs to be edited. It
  appears to be identical to /sys/system-name/sysconfigtab. I'm not quite
  certainly why this is so. Perhaps this file is copied into the
  sysconfigtab file during the rebuilding process?

I can probably do all of these things manually and then attempt a rebuild
to see if it works. However, I thought I'd post a message to this list
first to see if I'm missing something important. Is there a better way to
do this? Is there some utility that I should be using to update the system
name? If I do have to do this manually, have I found all the places that I
need to change? I hope I don't have to go into the binary data inside
/sys/system-name/system-name.mod and change anything in there!


Peter http://twilight.vtc.vsc.edu/~pchapin
pchapin_at_twilight.vtc.vsc.edu Paganism: Ancient beliefs in a modern world
Received on Wed Aug 27 1997 - 22:03:19 NZST

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