Problem with audioplay under DU 4.0B

From: Paul Tyler <>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 16:48:35 +1000 (EST)

Hi everyone.

Has anyone else had problems with piping into audioplay under DU 4.0B (with
patch kit 4 installed)? We have recently purchased new machines and
some of our scripts piped pcm directly into stdin of audioplay. These
worked under DU 3.2D, however we now get a "PARSE ERROR" from audioplay
under DU 4.0B. Basically the problem appears to be a bug in the
audioplay supplied with DU 4.0B, thought the problem may be with
patch kit 4. The command
"audioplay -filename dog-howl.wav" works, but the command
"cat dog-howl.wav | audioplay -filename -" does not. Does anyone know
of a patch available for this? (An example of the error is shown
below.) I have digital on the problem now but they aren't particularly
quick about it so I thought I'd try here also. :-)


pct : lister> cat dog-howl.wav | audioplay -filename -
PARSE ERROR: Missing value -filename -
usage: audioplay -filename filename [-device #] [-channels #] [-bitspersample #] [-rate #] [-encoding format] [-numbuffers #] [-sizebuffers #] [-msbuffers #] [-verbose] [-help]
        -filename audio file to play [tempfile.wav]
        -device output device number [search all]
        -channels number of channels (1=mono; 2=stereo) [1]
        -bitspersample bits per sample [8]
        -rate samples per second [8000]
        -encoding audio encoding format [mulaw]
                        Where valid value is one of:
                         mulaw = mulaw format
                         pcm = PCM format
                         adpcm = ADPCM format (IMA)
        -numbuffers number of buffers [4]
        -sizebuffers buffer size in bytes [size dependent on msbuffers value]
        -msbuffers buffer size in milliseconds [250]
        -verbose print various status messages
        -help display help information and exit


Paul Tyler       | Phone. +61 2 9717 3576  | DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in
ANSTO            | Fax.   +61 2 9717 3257  | this E-mail message do not
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Received on Tue Sep 02 1997 - 09:04:33 NZST

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