Thanks for the quick responses, the problem has been solved.
I *believe* what fixed it was renaming /.Xauthority and letting the
system create a new one, as suggested by, who
also noted that he'd had similar problems on a Sun and this fixed them.
I say "*believe*" because I also did an orderly reboot at the same time,
as opposed to a reset, and I suppose it's possible that the prior reset-reboots
didn't have the same effect as an orderly shutdown-reboot, but I really
doubt it.
Another respondant noted that the CDE environment is picky about IP
and DNS issues, and suggested checking the local DNS server, /etc/hosts,
the subnet mask, gateway, etc. associated with the system. I did all this,
all was well.
Thanks again!
Judith Reed
Received on Tue Sep 09 1997 - 18:27:57 NZST