zmodem for DU4.0 -- help?

From: Elliot Smorodinsky <>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 10:54:37 -0500 (EST)

        Greetings, folks.

        I seem to be in need of a zmodem program that'd work on Digital
Unix, preferably one that can be called from tip. lrzsz-0.12.14 fails to
do the job, so does the freeware version of Chuck Forsberg's sz/rz. Does
anyone out there know of any other software that fits the bill? Have you
had, alternaltively, any luck with the above two packages? Can source
code be made available?
        Thanks in advance,
                --Elliot Smorodinsky
                Sysadmin, Eclipse America Corporation.
Received on Wed Sep 17 1997 - 18:34:20 NZST

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