SUMMARY: moprc

From: Kelley Gardner <>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 11:06:33 -0400

        Many thanx to Matt Thomas (from Digital of course)
        for the right answer to this one...

>>About every 15 minutes, Digital UNIX systems send out of each Token Ring,
>>Ethernet, or FDDI interface a MOP SYSID message. It contains information
>>about what type of adapter is being used and other stuff.
>>You can disable it...
>>dbx -k /vmunix
>>(dbx) assign ((struct protosw *) &dlisw)->pr_slowtimo = 0
>>(or use patch to make it permanent).
>>That will prevent it from running on all interfaces.
Received on Wed Sep 24 1997 - 17:25:08 NZST

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