Dear alpha-osf-managers,
Something odd has happened to me.
My machine is: Digital AlphaServer 400 running under Digital Unix
Let me start from the beginning.
I succesfully installed network adapter and configured network.
I ran ping, telnet and netscape and all of them worked correctly. I
started configure mail, because messages from the Alpha Server still
were returning with errors reports.
And then I did the mistake. I do not know why but it seemed to me
that I should reconfigure bind from client to server (using graphic
tool from CDE). So I deconfigured client and tried to configure
server but without success. Then I configured back client (entering
the same parameters). Unfortunately during this manipulations some
information have lost because ping, telnet and ftp refused to work.
I have got following messages:
# ping iris
ping: unknown protocol icmp.
# telnet iris
telnet: tcp/telnet: unknown service
# ftp iris
ftp: ftp/tcp: unknown service
Following advice from Mr Blinn I reconfigured BIND again but without
any result. I checked /etc/protocols file and it seems to be OK.
May be file /etc/services is corrupted but I have too little
knowledge to find a mistake.
You can look at it in attachements (services.txt).
More about my network configuration
Following Network components are configured:
Ethernet Interface - tu0
Host File
Gate Daemon
Rwho Daemon
Network File
StaticRoutes File
I am connected via a gateway and two DNS' are outside my LAN.
They must be OK because NetWare server and WinNT server has no
problem with TCP/IP network.
I have tried to find information in log files. Ther are plenty of
them...but I have found something interesting.
In file: /usr/var/opt/advfsd/logs/advfsd there are following lines:
Wed Sep 24 19:13:01 1997 | FATAL | Not able to find 'AdvFS' in
/etc/services - errno 2 | File socket_agent.c | Line 351 Not able to
find 'AdvFS' in /etc/services - errno 2
This message were written first time the same day when I changed
BIND configuration first time.
Any ideas?
Have you met this protocols problem?
Tomasz Gornicki
Wroclaw, Poland
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# _at_(#)$RCSfile: services,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1995/11/30 22:13:21 $
# Description: The services file lists the sockets and protocols used for
# Internet services.
# Syntax: ServiceName PortNumber/ProtocolName [alias_1,...,alias_n] [#comments]
# ServiceName official Internet service name
# PortNumber the socket port number used for the service
# ProtocolName the transport protocol used for the service
# alias unofficial service names
# #comments text following the comment character (#) is ignored
echo 7/tcp
echo 7/udp
discard 9/tcp sink null
discard 9/udp sink null
systat 11/tcp users
daytime 13/tcp
daytime 13/udp
netstat 15/tcp
quote 17/udp text
chargen 19/tcp ttytst
chargen 19/udp ttytst
ftp 21/tcp
telnet 23/tcp
smtp 25/tcp mail
time 37/tcp timserver
time 37/udp timserver
name 42/tcp nameserver
whois 43/tcp nicname
auditd 48/tcp # Digital Audit Daemon
domain 53/udp nameserver # domain name server
domain 53/tcp nameserver
mtp 57/tcp
bootps 67/udp
bootpc 68/udp
tftp 69/udp
rje 77/tcp
finger 79/tcp
link 87/tcp ttylink
supdup 95/tcp
hostnames 101/tcp hostname
snagas 108/tcp
pop 109/tcp
auth 113/tcp authentication
nntp 119/tcp readnews
erpc 121/udp # RPC listener for Annex term srvr
ntp 123/udp ntp
imap 143/tcp
snmp 161/udp
snmp-trap 162/udp
snmp-rt 167/udp # SNMP snmpd<-->routed/gated
print-srv 170/tcp
dnacml 436/tcp # DECnet/OSI
biff 512/udp comsat
exec 512/tcp
login 513/tcp
who 513/udp whod
shell 514/tcp cmd
syslog 514/udp
printer 515/tcp spooler
talk 517/udp
ntalk 518/udp
efs 520/tcp
route 520/udp router routed
timed 525/udp timeserver
courier 530/tcp rpc
uucp 540/tcp uucpd #the uucp daemon
klogin 543/tcp
kshell 544/tcp kcmd
kxct 549/tcp
new-rwho 550/udp new-who
rmonitor 560/udp rmonitord
monitor 561/udp
binlogd 706/udp #Binary Error Log daemon
kerberos 750/udp kdc
kerberos_master 751/tcp
passwd_server 752/udp
krb_prop 753/tcp
at-rtmp 769/udp
at-nbp 770/udp
at-echo 771/udp
sms_db 775/tcp
sms_update 777/tcp
serv 778/tcp
supfilesrv 871/tcp
supfiledbg 1127/tcp
ingreslock 1524/tcp
nbiff 1950/udp
rauth2 2001/udp
zephyr-clt 2103/udp
zephyr-hm 2104/udp
genquery 2220/tcp
writesrv 2401/tcp # for the write server (AIXism, new)
man 9535/tcp
dictionary 10300/tcp webster
kdebug 10401/tcp
cfgmgr 10402/tcp
wnn4 22273/tcp # Wnn Ver 4.1
dtspc 6112/tcp #subprocess control
advfsd-snmp 1163/udp # advfs private SNMP request port
advfsd-snmp-trap 1164/udp # advfs private SNMP trap port
AdvFS 30000/tcp advfs # Added for AdvFS daemon command port
pmgr-snmp 1167/udp # PMGR private SNMP request port
pmgr-snmp-trap 1168/udp # PMGR private SNMP trap port (for future use)
clstrmond-snmp 1165/udp # PMGR TruCluster agent private SNMP request port
Received on Tue Sep 30 1997 - 09:46:33 NZST