My original question:
> I cannot find lint on my system (DU 4.0b). I have a man page for it, but
> cannot find the lint executable. Do I have to install some optional subset?
Thanks to all who replied:
Steven Johnson
Pam Woods
Stephen LaBelle
Robert L. McMillin
Brian C Hill
Stephen summed it up best:
I have it on my DU 4.0B system. Its part of the "Software Development
Software Subsets", which are optional. The specific software subset is
On my system its location is:
There is also a link to from /usr/bin:
Robert had a good suggestion:
If you can't find something, do the following:
cd /usr/.smdb.
grep something *.inv
and you ought to be able to deduce from the name of the file that
'something' appears in what package needs to be installed.
Ellen Davis
Received on Wed Oct 01 1997 - 15:38:30 NZST