More ZMODEM woes.

From: Elliot Smorodinsky <>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 10:12:07 -0500 (EST)

        Machine: DEC Alpha 400 running Digital Unix 4.0B.

        Problem: zmodem refuses to talk to any other zmodem.

        The symptoms are as follows: dialout works fine, faxing is just
peachy, etc... the only thing that does not work is zmodem/xmodem/ymodem.
Transfers in either direction with all three programs fail miserably (i.e.
they don't even *begin* to transfer data, and on the rare occasions I get
an error message it's always "Timeout waiting for ZRINIT").
        And I need this, for a fairly major project.

        Help? Please?

        Thanks in advance,
        Elliot Smorodinsky
        Sysadmin, Eclipse America Corp.
Received on Fri Oct 10 1997 - 16:34:32 NZDT

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