RPC message

From: system PRIVILEGED account- John F. Marten <root_at_tigger.oslc.org>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 13:24:42 -0700

searched the archives but came up empty on this one.
I have 2 directories on an NT server NFS mounted
on my AlphaServer1000/A running DU4.0b. they show
up when i issue a df command but when i try to
access the files on them i get I/O error. when i go
into file sharing under the NFS gui the directories
show up there too. i open the dialog box for one of them
to check the settings, they're ok. i click on apply and get:
Bad MNT RPC:horton/HOMEFOLDERS:RPC:timed out. the fstab
entry look like this:
horton:/HOMEFOLDERS /usr/local/network/homefolders nfs rw,bg,soft,proto=tcp,intr 0 0
the Net Admin manual didn't help either. if you know of something
i should check or have experienced this let me know.
will summarize. thanx
Received on Sat Oct 18 1997 - 00:12:13 NZDT

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