HELP HELP... again

From: Miguel Avillez <>
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 11:53:54 +0100 (WET DST)

Hi all,

yesterday I sent the mail below to this list asking for help. However, I
did not said who am I, what I do, etc etc...

So here it is:

My name is Miguel A. de Avillez I'am finishing the Ph.D in
Astronomy/Astrophysics at the University of Evora, Portugal
My work refers to the development of theoretical models on the evolution
of the galactic disk and the expansion of the gas in the disk into the
halo. The calculations I done so far and that are the main core of the
thesis show that my models reproduce many of the features that have been
observed in the Galaxy by radio astronomical surveys. These results were
presented in the International Astronomical Union Colloquium 166 held in
Garching last April.

Now those calculations used a disk area of 1 kpc by 1kpc (a kpc is a
length unit = 3.086e21 cm) but I need to confirm that I'll get the same
results using a disk area of 2 kpc by 1 kpc and 2kpc by 2 kpc. In this way
I can guarantee that the results presented so far hold even in bigger
areas... also there is a theoretical ground for this which I wont describe

So the number of cells in the disk must be 200x100 and 200x200
ofcourse there is a vertical extension which evolves 800 cells, because
the calculation must consider a height between -4 kpc to 4 kpc (I am
simulating the combined effects of the northern and southern galactic
hemispheres). In total this will require something like 8000000 to
16000000 and 32000000 cells per variable in the grid

Anyway so it comes now that I dont have facilities to run this code with
such a big grids. So thats why I sent the mail yesterday.

You may confirm what I'am saying if you look to my home page:

I do really understand thats odd someone come and ask for access to a
computer. And I would start thinking in security etc etc ..

thanks for your help

best regards

Miguel A. de Avillez

     --------------- The mail I sent you yesterday ------------------

Hi all,

I have this small problem which is running an hydro-code in a 3D grid with
200x100x800 cells or 100x100x800 cells. This code simulates the evolution
of the Galaxy and the calculations should run for something like 100 000
time steps.

I'am only able to run a code with a maximum of 1 000 000 cells in our
machines in a week. If I use more cells it takes much much time. So I
would like to know if anyone could give me access to run this code in a
fast alpha machine. I know this is odd but well this is my last call. I
must deliver my PhD. thesis in a couple of weeks, but before that I need
to check these calculations with two different grids.


Thanks for your help.

Best regards,


Miguel A. de Avillez
Received on Sat Oct 18 1997 - 13:08:04 NZDT

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