I have the following "NEW" system:
ALPHAstation 500 333 MHz
Digital UNIX V4.0B (Rev. 564)
I can login at the system console as root just fine (dtterm).
Other users get the following message:
Action Required
The DT messaging system could not be started.
To correct the problem:
1. Choose [OK] to return to the login screen
2. Select Failsafe Session from the login screen's option
menu and log in.
3. Check to see that your hostname exists correctly in /etc/hosts if your
network has already been configured.
4. If your network has not yet been configured; make sure that /etc/hosts
has the following entry in it: localhost
For additional information, see the CDE User's Guide.
I've checked /etc/hosts, /etc/rc.config and all seems O.K.
This is in $HOME/.dt/errorlog:
Fri Oct 31 12:09:10 1997
dtsession: Unable to start message server - exiting.
Nothing obvious in /var/dt/Xerrors
Note: Users can login via telnet just fine.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
Dave Chapman
Received on Fri Oct 31 1997 - 19:19:07 NZDT