Memory Usage

From: <>
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 15:39:11 -0600

We have worked with VMS for a long time, but two years ago we installed a
new Unix system in a client server configuration with two DEC Alpha
2000-4/275 with two processors each one and 1 GB Ram: a database server
running Oracle and an application server running some ERP software (Baan or

After a lot of performance problems, are working on a capacity planning

We would appreciate your comments about how should be understand memory
usage, based upon the monitoring data we understand that::

    Memory consumpted by all users is the "Active Memory"
    when "Active Memory" usage is low, "Inactive Memory" also is low but
    always is higher than "Active Memory" what is the relationship and
    diference betwen "Active" and "Inactive" memories?
    Memory usage, both Active and Inactive, seems to be the same no matter
    what is the workload, we are comparing let say Monday vs Wednesday or
    Friday wher we have different workloads. It is true mainly on the
    Server, Why?
    The "Wired Memory" usage is so high. Is it used by Triton or others
    resident procesesses? Can it be reduced? is it adviceable?
    What can we expect to happen if we reduce de UBC size? who or what
    generates UBC memory usage?

  Attached you can read the memory usage reports, for both the client and
  the server, samples are from Monday to Sunday and only from 09:30 Hrs to
  12:30 Hrs this is our peak time.

  Memory usage quantities is in number of pages, each page is 8,192 bytes

  The data base server has phisicaly 1024 Mb of Ram that equals 131,071
  pages, while the clienthas 640 MB of Ram that equals 97,919 pages:

(See attached file: Server.xls)(See attached file: client.xls)

Received on Thu Nov 06 1997 - 23:51:53 NZDT

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