SUMMARY: Q:DU upgrade V3.2g->v4.0a->v4.0b

From: Randy M. Hayman <>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 10:28:15 -0900

It appears that "Richard L Jackson Jr" <> has identified
the cause:

|>If you have more than 1GB of memory, then remove everything except 1GB. We
|>had a similar problem with our 2100A and Machine Check 660 after upgrading
|>from DU 3.2G to 4.0A. After upgrading to 4.0B I re-installed the memory.
|>DU 4.0A has patch OSF405-027 to address this problem. However, you might
|>as well jump to 4.0B.

Yes, our 2100 has 1.25GB of memory and our 2100A has 2GB of memory...
We'll pull enough memory to get down to the 1GB magic number and try again
this weekend...

Unfortunately the patch OSF405-027 is a catch-22 fix - can't get the system
to 4.0a to even apply it, so the memory reconfigure appears the only option.

Funny that Digital's CSC couldn't match anything on "Machine Check 660" and
"2100A" or "2100" in their database(s) for a solution.

Thanks again.

Steve Thompson <smt_at_NICS1.CORNING.COM> responded that his many systems,
including an 8400, upgraded just fine through this path, so we do feel more
comfortable with our plans on getting it (the 8400) upgraded.

Randy Hayman
Received on Mon Nov 10 1997 - 20:43:44 NZDT

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