X failures on logins (xdm)

From: lombardi emanuele <lele_at_mantegna.casaccia.enea.it>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 08:31:53 +0100 (MET)

Dear Managers,
I run Dunix 4.0b (all patches) on several machines (AS 1000, DEC3000 & 4000)
using xdm.
It appens that when logging in from the main display (:0) sometimes
after you password has been checked you are logged out before any window
is opened.
You have to login a second time and this 2nd try is always succesfull.

Here follows the contents of /usr/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-errors

Screen 0 p00041011 revision # 3 8 bits/pixel 2097152 bytes VRAM
FreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/decwin/100dpi/" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.

This is the error log after the first unsuccessfull login.
The second login is always succesfull.

Do you have any ideas how to avoid that noisy behaviour ?

Thanks from Italy,

 Emanuele Lombardi
 mail:  AMB-GEM-CLIM ENEA Casaccia
        I-00060 S.M. di Galeria (RM) 
 tel	+39 6 30483366
 fax	+39 6 30483591
Received on Fri Nov 21 1997 - 08:47:26 NZDT

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