We have a couple of VMS users that are reluctant to learn unix. As Dec
provided the so called "Interoperability" programs two years ago, we installed
vmail, edt, vbackup and vcl so these people could move to unix and not feel it.
It worked just great under OSF 3.2B, DU3.2C and DU3.2G, until last week, when
we upgraded to DU4.0B. Now, vmail works when one reads mail but fails during
a reply with an error:
%MAIL-F-BADSIG, fatal internal error, signal 11 caught
It then exits. The only differences I can remember between before it failed
and now is the upgrade from 3.2G to 4.0B and the installation of sendmail 8.8.8
instead of the sendmail shipped with DU.
The question is: does vmail work under DU 4.0B or do we have to force
people to use another user interface? In this last case, is there a program
that will convert vmail folders to mh or other unix mail messages structure?
TIA Philippe
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email: pgouffon_at_if.usp.br |
Received on Tue Nov 25 1997 - 20:53:32 NZDT