Maiden Names

From: Sheryl A. Lemma <>
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 10:02:12 -0500

Hello Managers ...

About a year ago I made the unwitting mistake of posting a message about
how to change user names (i.e. maiden to married names) on DU 3.2. Since
that time, I have received numerous personal messages from people trying to
track down long-lost relatives. I can only assume that people searching on
"maiden names" in a search engine came up with my message posted to the
list, as well as my old (ironically, MY maiden name) e-mail address. As a
result, I feel somewhat reposnsible for the following message.

I am wasting the bandwidth with this apology for my underlying motive: I
hope that now, when someone searches on 'maiden names' they get this
message, too, and realize that I DO NOT know how to track down people any
more than the average net surfer! In addition, this is a list for

Well, I think I have finished my rant, so I will bid you all a good day and
an apology for wasting your (as well as my) precious time.



P.S. BTW, when I reply to the person who sent us this, I will be much
kinder -- since we all make mistakes. This rant was meant for future
readers. :)

At 11:05 PM 12/1/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I am searching for a long lost cousin named Norma Elizabeth Madden last
>contacted in the fifties in New Jersey. Her father was Roy Madden. She was
>born in Oakland , Calif. on Dec. 15, 1932.
>Diane McElroy

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% Sheryl A. (Campbell) Lemma Internet: %
% Assistant Director Voice: (717)867-6060 %
% Administrative Computing FAX: (717)867-6019 %
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% L E B A N O N V A L L E Y C O L L E G E %
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% DEC Unix 3.2d-1, Coll: Live 13.11, Dev 14v5, Ben: Live 4.3, Dev 4.3 %
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% Never underestimate the power of a smile! %
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Received on Tue Dec 02 1997 - 16:28:00 NZDT

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