SUMMARY (and new) Probs with Netscape

From: Simon Tardell <>
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 12:21:48 +0100

A bit back I asked:

My message dated: Mon, 09 Dec 1996 17:20:35 +0100

>Since I upgraded to Netscape 3.0 (release version, the beta was ok), I get the
>following message each time I hit on a Java applet:
>Unable to start a java applet: the version number for your classes is wrong.
>The version number found was 96241. The correct version number is 96223.
>The java applet does not run subsequently.
>I did install the java-classes in the same place as I did with earlier

I got one answer directing me to get the shared libraries from 3.2C and a
shellscript wrapper as per Digital's advise -- well, that was NOT my problem
(I had that problem TOO, but it had nothing to do with the above). Turns out
that NS3.0 and NS Gold 3.0 came with different version java classes, the files
having the same name.

Now I can happily run Netscape with Java, unfortunately NS3.01 crashes quite
fast on my, dumping core. I think it is related to running a lot of Java.
Anyone else seeing this? I'm running dU4.0A.

Simon Tardell, voice +46 8 162688 fax +46 8 347817
Fysikum, Stockholms universitet,
Received on Wed Jan 08 1997 - 12:43:39 NZDT

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