Verification of vdump backups .....

From: Thomas Leitner <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 16:54:38 +0100 (MET)


After a rather bad experience with our HP C1533 DAT streamer today
(it had silent read errors: each time the tape was read, different
single bytes were corrupted in the read data stream) I decided to
make my monthly vdump backups more secure. Currently after vdump'ing
everything to the tape, I just do a

             vrestore -t -f $TAPE >/var/adm/bck/bck$TODAY.log

for every save-set just in order to get a listing of the files on the tape.

Needless to say that this is not sufficient. I use GNU Tar for my daily
backups and its -d option (compare) does exactly what I want: It reads
the complete backup and compares all files with the files on the hard-
disk and complains if a single byte is different.

Question: Is something like that possible with vdump/vrestore? I've
already checked all options but could not find anything.

Is it possible by some hacks to use vrestore for comparing ? What if I
vrestore everything to a TMP directory and write run a second
concurrent process which grabs the restored filenames from stderr,
compares and finally deletes the files? Did anyone write something like

Thanks a lot -- Tom

T o m L e i t n e r Dept. of Communications
                                            Graz University of Technology,
e-mail : Inffeldgasse 12
Phone : +43-316-873-7455 A-8010 Graz / Austria / Europe
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