dump - usage

From: Santosh Krishnan x2815 <santosh_at_heplinux1.uta.edu>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 16:30:05 -0600 (CST)


Thanks a lot for all the response that I got. Now I have another
question, this time about dump.

Now here's what I'm trying to do. I have several partitions(filesystems)
on each machine. I want have 7 tapes, one for each day, and when dump is
run, it will do an incremental backup of each filesystem.

In the man page, it says in the Examples section:

dump -0un -f /dev/rmt1h -b 32 /fs1

to do a level 0 dump to the /dev/rmt1h device of the filesystem /fs1 and
to update the /etc/dumpdates file. My question is, do I need to create
the dumpdates file in the first place? Also, when I get around to putting
a cron entry for dump, when it is run, will the above arguments do an
incremental backup?

I'm sure someone has a similar backup situation, so I hope to find some
quick help on this. I have done backups etc., on Novell and on non UNIX
machines, so it shouldn't be too hard for me to figure this out, but what
ever help can be offered will be appreciated.

Santosh Krishnan

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Received on Wed Jan 08 1997 - 23:49:18 NZDT

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