Hello, managers
First of all, sorry for the message about "hou do you suck". Here in
Brasil, fake mail is a terrible headache, since there is a lot of stupid
guys doing that, so I ever try to notify the nearest-to-the-sender
On Thu, 2 Jan 1997 I sent the following message to the list, but did not
receive any answer. I'm sending it again and hope somebody can help me.
I have a DEC 3000/600 running OSF1 V3.2 214. Two weeks ago I noticed some
strange things about Xwindows:
1. Some times Xdm does not prompt for login. Console switches to graphics
mode, I see the standard dotted X backgruound and the X mouse cursor, then
the console switches back to text mode. I run /sbin/init.d/xdm stop and
xdm does not stops, so I need to telnet from another machine and kill xdm
and X (Xdec) by hand. Some times if I let the things go on for a while I
get the login box again.
2. When I run Pine (version 3.95) into a DECterm the window "freeze" and I
need to kill Pine by hand from another window. This does not hapen if I
run Pine into a Xterm or from my Linux box. I managed to include the linux
console terminal definition into the DEC's library.
This machine was reconfigured (no system reinstallation, just re-run
setup) recently from scratch, because we changed everything (domain name,
net addresses, etc). I'm wondering about a possible misconfiguration,
since I've broke the second Murphy's law: "If it is working, do not fix
Carlos Augusto Moreira dos Santos casantos_at_cpmet.ufpel.tche.br
Universidade Federal de Pelotas Telefone (0532) 23-2525
Centro de Pesquisas Meteorologicas FAX (0532) 23-4814
Pelotas, RS, Brasil http://www.cpmet.ufpel.tche.br
Received on Thu Jan 09 1997 - 12:55:34 NZDT