Hi all !
This is a sad story and a WARNING, be carefull when installing
DECnet/OSI v4.0A, specially if you are using DECdns. Read this
I had a running DU v3.2C with DECnet/OSI v3.2A, including DECdns
server running and it was time to upgrade. I went through the motions
with DU, i.e. did an installupdate to v4.0 and then to v4.0B. Everything
went fine.
Then came DECnet/OSI......
The following two errors made the DNAKBIN401 subset
to show as 'corrupt' using # setld -i. BTW, I installed from
the Oct -96 CD distribution.
The first error came during the configuration phase of the
installation. It turned out, after looking at .inv files and
reading release notes, that these files are obsolete.
Short excerpt from log:
Configuring "DECnet/OSI Kernel Components " (DNAKBIN401)
ln: ./usr/shlib/libdns_r.so exists, specify -f to remove.
ln: ./usr/shlib/libdna_r.so exists, specify -f to remove.
# mv /usr/shlib/libdns_r.so /usr/shlib/libdns_r.so.preDNA401
# mv /usr/shlib/libdna_r.so /usr/shlib/libdna_r.so.preDNA401
This is not enough by far....
# decnetsetup KERNEL fails due to a bug in DNAKBIN401.scp
installation script.
Short excerpt from log:
Kernel built successfully
usr/.smdb./DNAKBIN401.scp: {print $1}: not found
usr/.smdb./DNAKBIN401.scp: test: argument expected
decnetsetup terminated.
Copy the kit from CD to disk and edit DNAKBIN401.scp.
Change the statement:
k_needed=`ls -s $NEW_KERNEL | $AWK '{print $1}'`
k_needed=`ls -s $NEW_KERNEL | awk '{print $1}'`
Remove and reinstall DECnet/OSI Kernel Components (DNAKBIN401)
Do # decnetsetup KERNEL again, this time without any errors.
Then, to my surprise :-(, i discovered the neither the DECdns clerk
nor the DECdns server worked. They showed as state on in # dnscp
but.... After some hacking around in dnscp the server suddenly
worked. Don't ask me why or how, but it did. The clerk still didn't work
though. The system logs showed two errors.
In daemon.log:
dnsclerk: Unable to open dns clerk event file. Error: No such file or dir
This was resolved by
# cat > /var/dss/dns/dnsclerk/dnsclerk.events
The last part, */10000, I found later in the release notes. A simple
# touch removed the errormessage from daemon.log. This didn't
cause any problems though. This next part did though.
>From user.log:
Cleringhouse ns:.clear unreachable; DECdns error 1004;
Unable to communicate with any DECdns server.
It turned out, after calling DEC support, that there is a fixed version
of the dnsclerk. The problem is that the dnsclerk in the official
distribution can not communicate with a DECdns server that
doesn't have at least one NSAP starting with 49:. All of my NSAPs
are officially registered and therefore start with 39:.
After installing the fixed version on dnsclerk all is fine. BTW, the
fixed dnsclerk i four times the size of the original.
Finally, there is also a problem with DECdns and off-LAN servers.
I didn't come across this one but there is a fix.
Fredrik Palm Email: frpa01_at_shb.se
Svenska Handelsbanken Phone: +46-8-7011789
CDTP Fax: +46-8-7013145
106 70 Stockholm
Received on Fri Jan 17 1997 - 14:24:14 NZDT