Hi everybody,
After my restore problem, I have now an rdump problem :
I save a file system using
rsh crnal9 /usr/sbin/rdump -0f crnal4:/dev/nrmt1h /disk1
the DLT work for a while and then I get the message :
rdump: Dumping /dev/rrz3a (/disk1) to /dev/nrmt1h on host crnal4.in2p3.fr
rdump: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
rdump: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
rdump: Estimate: 5684462 tape blocks on 140.20 volume(s)
rdump: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
rdump: Volume 1, tape # 0001, begins with blocks from i-node 2
rdump: 0.01% done -- finished in 28:25
rdump: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
rdump: 0.30% done -- finished in 29:00
rdump: 28.98% done -- finished in 20:37
rdump: 29.18% done -- finished in 20:38
rdump: Write error -- wanted to write: 10240, only wrote: -1
slave_work(): write(): I/O error
rdump: Write error - /dev/nrmt1h, volume 1, 94759 feet -- cannot recover
rdump: Cannot fopen /dev/tty for reading
query(): fopen(): No such device or address
rdump: Cannot remove shared memory
remove_shared_memory(): shmctl(): Invalid argument
rdump: SIGTERM received -- Try rewriting
rdump: Unexpected signal -- cannot recover
Error on device named /dev/rmt1h - Place TZ87 tape drive unit #16 ONLINE
Error on device named /dev/rmt1h - Place TZ87 tape drive unit #16 ONLINE
Is there a problem with the tape or Does it mean I need a second tape ??
Jean Schuller
_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/ _/ Centre de Recherches Nucleaires
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ Boite Postale 28 - CR 23, Rue du Loess
_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ F-67037 STRASBOURG CEDEX - France
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ e-mail : schuller_at_crnal4.in2p3.fr
_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ local : 0388106630 | fax : 0388106234
foreign : 33 388106630 | fax : 33 388106234
Received on Thu Jan 23 1997 - 11:36:43 NZDT