My AdvFS crashed today .....

From: Thomas Leitner <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 1997 17:22:56 +0100 (MET)


I'm running DU 4.0a and found my server down when I came in today, to work
a bit (Sunday). Trying to reboot gives a:

panic (cpu0): ftx_bfmeta_rec_redo: got bmt page N1 instead of N2
              N1=954, N2=59.

I could not even boot into single user mode because this error comes
up right after the first AdvFS line in the boot messages. Well, for
cases like that, I always have an old 500MB SCSI disk with a small
DU 4.0a installion on it. I've booted from this disk and found that
the root file system (I got an all-AdvFs installation) was apparently
trashed. As soon as AdvFs touches it (not even mounts it!!) the box
crashes. This happens as well, when advfsd is started even though the
disk is not being mounted.

The /usr file system could be mounted but some files were corrupt.

The remaining disks (user disks etc.) were left intact, thanks god.

Now I did a "verify media" on the disk to see if it has bad blocks
or something but I didn't find anything unusual.

I've restored everything from the backup (10 days old) and now I got
it running again.

The whole story leaves kind of a bad feeling, though, because I don't
know what actually triggered it!

Question: Can anyone tell what actually could trigger something like
that? Should I upgrade to DU 4.0b?

Thanks -- Tom

T o m L e i t n e r Dept. of Communications
                                            Graz University of Technology,
e-mail : Inffeldgasse 12
Phone : +43-316-873-7455 A-8010 Graz / Austria / Europe
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