ATI Mach64-GX Rev. 0 under Digital Unix 4.0a.

From: Thomas Leitner <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 14:21:11 +0100 (MET)


I'm running Digital Unix 4.0 and wanted to replace my PowerStorm 3D10
(S3 based) graphics card because there is a bug in the S3 part of the
DU X-Server which is unacceptable for us (I can post details if anyone
is interested). Now my dealer loaned me an ATI Mach64-GX card for
testing but I just could not get the X-server going with it.

This is what I did:

1.) Modified kernel to include

    controller ati0 at pci0 slot 7

    rather than

    controller trio0 at pci0 slot 7

2.) Build a new kernel and saved it as /vmunix.ati
3.) Shut down, turn off, replace graphics card.
4.) Boot up with vmunix.ati, ATI0 appears correctly in the boot

    ati0 at pci0 slot 7
    ati0: ATI Mach64-GX Rev. 0 (SVGA)

5.) But the X server does not start up. It clears the screen, flashes
    a bit and the screen stays dark. I've already tried all sorts
    of Xdec switches including -showConfigs which did not reveal anything

6.) I tried ">>> isacfg -init". No go.

7.) I tried ">>> set pci_parity off" as stated in the DU 4.0 release
    notes: No go.

8.) Sizer -gt said "ATI64".

Another dealer told me that he had to replace all ATI cards at
customer sites with PowerStorm 3D10 because they would not work anymore
with DU 4.0! Is this true?

Or am I missing something? Perhaps the revision of the card (Rev.0) is
too old.

And one more thing: The card is equipped with 4MB of video ram (it has
a video ram daughterboard on it). As a side note: When I manage to
get it going: Can I use the 4MB anyway?

Thanks for any hints -- Tom

T o m L e i t n e r Dept. of Communications
                                            Graz University of Technology,
e-mail : Inffeldgasse 12
Phone : +43-316-873-7455 A-8010 Graz / Austria / Europe
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