I had two crashes of my EB64+ running DU4.0a today. After both, I found
the activity LED of the root scsi disk constantly lit. I don't know
if the system was writing the crash dump or if there was another reason
for that. The first time, I've just reset the system (during the LED
was on) and rebooted without problems.
The second time, though, I got the same boot failure as I've already
described in a previous message:
panic (cpu0): ftx_bfmeta_rec_redo: got bmt page N1 instead of N2
N1=954, N2=59.
The numbers were different, though. The root file system (which is
AdvFS) was trashed after that. In contrast to the crash on sunday,
though, the usr filesystem was still intact so I had the box going
again in about 15 minutes after rebooting from my emergency disk
and re-creating root_domain and reloading from the backup.
But: This is unacceptable. Did anyone experiance something like
that before.
What could cause that? I have no indication for the reason of the
Maybe the reason is totally different and the system just overwrites
my root domain when it tries to write its crash dump? This is the
disklabel for the disk:
disklabel -r rz3
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a: 187111 0 AdvFS # (Cyl. 0 -156*)
b: 493020 187111 swap # (Cyl. 156*-567*)
c: 4194058 0 unused 1024 8192 # (Cyl. 0 -3497*)
d: 0 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - -1)
e: 0 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - -1)
f: 0 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - -1)
g: 3513927 680131 AdvFS # (Cyl. 567*-3497*)
h: 0 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - -1)
Any other ideas anyone?
Thanks -- Tom
T o m L e i t n e r Dept. of Communications
Graz University of Technology,
e-mail : tom_at_finwds01.tu-graz.ac.at Inffeldgasse 12
Phone : +43-316-873-7455 A-8010 Graz / Austria / Europe
Fax : +43-316-463-697
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Received on Tue Jan 28 1997 - 17:05:24 NZDT