Hi all,
I'm programming a client/server application that sometimes crash
abnormally, leaving one socket in CLOSE_WAIT state, as indicated
by netstat command.
My problem is not why the application crashed, but the fact that
I don't know how to clean up this socket, and then, I cannot restart
the program because the bind C function fails due to the error :
'address alrady in use' caused by the presence of this CLOSE_WAIT
state socket.
Up to this moment, the only way I've found to solve this is restarting
the computer, but, of course, this is not a good solution.
the O.S is Dunix 4.0 and 3.2.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Pedro Serrahima
IIC Madrid
Received on Tue Feb 04 1997 - 16:32:17 NZDT