Hi Manager,
Here's an installation problem I have:
# setld -l /mnt/o3d410/kit
*** Enter subset selections ***
The following subsets are mandatory and will be installed automatically
unless you choose to exit without installing any subsets:
* Open3D Common V4.1
* Open3D Config V4.1
The subsets listed below are optional:
There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single
screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen
or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will
be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed.
1) DWS Open3D Base V4.1
Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6):
2) DWS Open3D Freedom 3000 V4.1
3) DWS Open3D MIT PEX Programming V4.1
4) DWS Open3D MIT PEX Programming examples V4.1
5) DWS Open3D MIT PEX Programming man pages V4.1
6) DWS Open3D OpenGL Base V4.1
7) DWS Open3D OpenGL examples V4.1
8) DWS Open3D OpenGL man pages V4.1
9) DWS Open3D PCM Server and Library V4.1
10) DWS Open3D PEX Programming V4.1
11) DWS Open3D PowerStorm 4D40T/4D50T/4D60T V4.1
12) DWS Open3D Stereo Extension V4.1
13) DWS Open3D Stereo Extension man pages V4.1
14) DWS Open3D ZLX-E, ZLXp-E, PowerStorm 3D30, PowerStorm 4D20 V4.1
15) DWS Open3D ZLX-L, ZLXp-L V4.1
16) DWS Open3D ZLX-M V4.1
Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6):
17) Digital PHIGS Japanese Run-Time Files V4.1
18) Digital PHIGS Manual Pages V4.1
19) Digital PHIGS Run-Time-Only Kit V4.1
Or you may choose one of the following options:
20) ALL mandatory and all optional subsets
21) MANDATORY subsets only
22) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus
23) EXIT without installing any subsets
Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 21
You are installing the following mandatory subsets:
Open3D Common V4.1
Open3D Config V4.1
Is this correct? (y/n): y
2 subset(s) will be installed.
Loading 1 of 2 subset(s)....
O3DDWSCOMMON410 requires Digital UNIX Version 4.0A, or higher, to install
setld: Installation declined by subset control program (PRE_L). "Open3D Common V4.1" (O3DDWSCOMMON410) will not be loaded.
0 of 2 subset(s) installed successfully.
"O3DDWSCOMMON410 requires Digital UNIX Version 4.0A, or higher" is a great
message. I´m running Version 4.0B.
Is this a known problem?
Dr. Eberhard Heuser-Hofmann
Univ. Konstanz
Fakultaet fuer Chemie
Universitaets-Strasse 10
D-78464 Konstanz
Phone: +49-7531-88-2026, FAX: +49-7531-88-3139
email: vaxinf_at_chclu.chemie.uni-konstanz.de
Received on Tue Feb 04 1997 - 17:39:29 NZDT