Hi all,
It moves me the number of answers I have received. Thanks to all of you.
As one of you commented... vi is not the best editor, but I like to use it
because I it is possible to find systems with no other options. Besides...
this was kind of a personal matter... VI vs. me (if it wasn't for you vi
would have won)
I have received interesting answers from (sorry if someone is left out):
Lucio Chiappetti <lucio_at_ifctr.mi.cnr.it>
Brett Rees <breree_at_ozemail.com.au>
Paul Henderson <pgh_at_unx.dec.com>
eddyv_at_imec.be (Eddy Verbeemen)
Joseph C King <jking_at_cos6.hcf.jhu.edu>
alan_at_nabeth.cxo.dec.com (Alan Rollow)
Christian Miranda <cmiranda_at_gmd.com.pe>
Wing-lok Lee <lee_at_rtp3.med.utah.edu>
Larry Griffith <larry_at_garfield.wsc.mass.edu>
Barry Lynam <lynam_at_homer.cs.dis.qut.edu.au>
Interesting things to check:
1. we can execute 'which vi' or 'where vi' from one of the accounts that
work so that we will know where 'vi' is. (Usually /usr/bin/vi).
2. Then we can execute vi adding the whole path: '/usr/bin/vi'.
If it works, then we should check those things:
a) is /usr/bin in our path? (variable PATH is defined in .profile)
b) is there a dummy 'vi', that is, a file called 'vi' which does
nothing in one of the directories included in our PATH?
3. In my case, even '/usr/bin/vi' didn't work... so it had nothing to do
with paths or dummy vi's. The answer was...
I have got a .exrc file in both machines (the one where 'vi' works
and the one where it doesn't). In the lattest there is an empty line at
the end of the .exrc. If I remove this empty line... 'vi' works.
Thanks again. SCORE: VI 0 - OSF-MANAGERS 1
JESUS RODRIGUEZ CASTRO Applications Systems Manager
Centro de Investigaci'ons Lig"u'isticas | phone : +34 (9)81 542691
e Literarias "Ram'on Pi~neiro". | fax : +34 (9)81 542553
Estrada Santiago-Noia km. 3, A Barcia | e-mail: jcastro_at_cirp.es
15896 Santiago, A Coru~na, Spain | www :
Received on Wed Feb 05 1997 - 09:07:36 NZDT