New Natural Product

From: Bert Giles <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 02:10:27 -0500

Dear Health Care Professional,

I believe we just witnessed history in the making. I am an associate of Dr. Earl Mindell, R.Ph.,Ph. D. Who last week returned from Europe with business partners, Yale Law Graduate, Attorney Ray Faltinsky and Dr. Morten Weidner. They signed an exclusive marketing contract for HMP-33.
HMP-33 was discovered after six years of exhaustive research in Denmark by heralded genius Dr. Morten Weidner.

 Clinical results reveal that HMP-33 is the only known "all natural" total relief from joint pain, back pain and multiple other chronic pains. This new amazing discovery with its multiple patents will be featured in the June publication of the New England Journal of Medicine.
In its recent debut in Australia, 30,000 plus, unsolicited testimonials were received in only five weeks.

A world-renowned medical researcher was recently quoted as saying, "HMP-33 could be the greatest medical discovery since antibiotics"!
This is an unprecedented opportunity in history for the health industry to really shine.

If you can recognize the value in HMP-33 for your patients and your practice, please contact our office : 1-888-573-8423. (24 hour voice mail box)


Bert Giles
Received on Tue Dec 16 1997 - 08:17:52 NZDT

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