HSZ40 Disk errors

From: Paula Cooper <paulac_at_gateway.grumman.com>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 13:54:30 -0500 (EST)

I need to replace a disk in an HSZ40 controller. The disk is configured
as RAID 0+1. If I do a warm swap replacement, do I need to issue any CLI
commands to cause the disk to sync up with its mirror counter part? Will
the syncing occur automagically or do I have to umirror and mirror?
Also, DECevent is telling the disk's error target & lun but when I do a
file /dev/rrzxx I see an error on another disk not the one reported from
DECevent. Is this a problem with the DU not interpreting the soft errors
from the HSZ40. And what does errors = 112/0 really mean?
Thanks for any help!

+ Paula Cooper +
+ Systems Administrator +
+ Northrop-Grumman +
+ Phone : 516-575-8570 +
+ Email : paulac_at_gateway.grumman.com +
Received on Fri Feb 07 1997 - 20:08:32 NZDT

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