SUMM: HSZ40 software upgrade question

From: Guy Dallaire <>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 22:32:55 -0500

Thanks again to everyone

Here is the original question....

--------------- BEGIN -------------------------------------------

Unfortunatly, I've lost the original post. I was asking about the to get
rid of the SAVE_CONFIGURATION parameter in certain UNITS/STORAGESETS
because it is not recommended by DEC in dual redundant configuration (God
knows why?) and because even if it was possible to upgrade in such a
configuration, it seemed a bit more risky to me like this, not to mention
the fact that with DEC, "not recommended" oftens turns out to "not
supported". So I wanted to get rid of these parameters.


It's not easy, there is no "REMOVE CONFIGURATION" option in HSOF. The only
way to get rid of it is to destroy the UNITS and the devices and recreate
the same UNITS or STORAGESETS from scratch WITHOUT specifying the

In order to do this:

a) TAKE A FULL BACKUP before proceeding, I've lost 6 Gigs of data by
"playing" with an HSZ40 a couple of months ago.
b) If you have disks to spare, copy the affected file systems to another
c) Destroy the filesystems (or filesets + domains)
d) Recreate the UNITS with the HSZ40 without the SAVE CONFIG
e) Recreate the filesystems (or filedomains + filesets)
f) Copy the saved contents (From a or b) on the newly re-created file sets

You can now upgrade your HSZ40 software and never worry about the SAVE
CONFIG anymore (unless you goof and press enter when asked for it by HSOF,
which oddly enough is the default if I remember)
Received on Sat Feb 08 1997 - 04:42:53 NZDT

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