Dying Processes

From: Patricia Pizzillo <ppizzill_at_wheatonma.edu>
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 12:45:00 -0500 (EST)

        I need some help with a mystery. I am relatively new to Digital
        Unix Administration. Twice in the past 8 weeks the inetd process
        has suddenly died. I have been given no warning from the OS, no
        error messages logged or displayed. The only way I find out is
        when all of the users start calling one right after another
        reporting they can not log in. I then grep for the process, see
        it is not running, and then gracefully shut the system down.

        Has anyone experienced this? Can anyone give me a clue where to
        look for errors, or logs? Can inetd be restarted without shutting
        the system down? What would cause inetd to die/be killed? Any
        help/advice would be appreciated. I will summarize.


Patricia A. Pizzillo Phone (508) 286-3410
System Administrator FAX (508) 286-8270
IT&S Email ppizzill_at_wheatonma.edu
Wheaton College Alpha 2100 4/275
Norton, MA 02766 DIGITAL UNIX
                                              ORACLE V7.
Received on Sun Feb 09 1997 - 19:00:30 NZDT

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