CERT Advisory CA-97.06 - Vulnerability in rlogin/term

From: Alan Oborne <Oborne_at_cardiff.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 09:08:38 +0000 (GMT)


CERT Advisory CA-97.06 reports a buffer-overflow vulnerability in rlogin.
We have patches for DUNIX 3.2d/e and 4.0x but are having problems getting
a patch for 3.2c (we slowly copied a 30 MB patch kit from the US only to
find it didn't contain the patch!).

Does anyone know where I can (quickly) get a patch for 3.2c which solves
the rlogin vulnerability?


Alan Oborne

      Alan Oborne (OBORNE_at_CARDIFF.AC.UK)
      Head of Systems Support, UWC Computing Service
      Cardiff University
      +44 1222 874394
      URL: http://alf.cf.ac.uk/People/oborne.html
Received on Wed Feb 12 1997 - 10:32:08 NZDT

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