HELP: Problems installing new graphics Card

From: Guy Dallaire <>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 09:12:40 -0500 (EST)


We've just installed a new graphics card (9FX vision PCI) into our
alphaserver 400/233. The server was previously running on a serial VT520

Here is what we did to install the card and the problems we ran into:

1-Shutdown and turn off server
2-Install card
3-Turn on server and boot in single user mode from the serial console with
genvmunix (Note: we have a message telling us that it "sees" the PCI card)
4-Save a copy of current kernel (/vmunix -> /vmunix.sav)
6-doconfig -c MY_SYSTEM_NAME (Rebuild kernel)
7-Move new kernel to /vmunix
7a-Edit Xservers and adjust resolution and vsync
8-Halt the system
9-At the SRM prompt: "set console graphics"
10-Turn off system
10-Turn on and reboot, here is what happens:

The system boots and display its diagnostics on the graphics screen, after a
while (Just before X starts I think) we receive the following messages:

Error: Unable to install graphics console
Error: Kernel not configured for graphics console
Switching to alternate console...
After that, the serial console receives the output and the boot procedure
continues, but we have NO X running

We tried to boot genvmunix with the SRM "set console graphics" turned on,
and we have an X login that appears, but if I shutdown from there and
rebuild the kernel, I have the same problems...

Also, for some reason, it looks like the server must be turned OFF and ON
between changes made to the "console" SRM variable, but maybe a RESET would
be OK.

Any help would be appreciated

NOTE: The manual that came with the card is not clear, it said that we have
to install a subset named OSFSERPCI360, but this subset is nowhere to be
found on our DU CD's, we have a OSFSERPCI350 and I think it is already
installed, anyway, the manual says that DU 3.2D-1 includes drivers for this
graphics card.

Guy Dallaire

"God only knows if god exists"
Received on Wed Feb 26 1997 - 16:03:56 NZDT

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