Experience with KZPSC-AA & RZ28's ??

From: Carl Dickhaus <SYSTEM_at_XAVIER.XU.EDU>
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 14:41:32 -0500 (EST)

We are planning an Alpha Server 4000 system with the KZPSC-AA Single
Channel RAID controller controlling a RAID5 set of 5 RZ28M-VA disks plus
a hot spare disk, probably under DUNIX 4.0C.

We are told a Personality Module in the shelf will resolve between the
wide controller and the narrow disks.

Before we plunge ahead, I thought I would ask if anyone knows of any
caveats or gotchas with this configuration and DUNIX version.

Many thanks in advance.

!! Carl Dickhaus, Xavier University, Cincinnati Oh USA !!
!! Internet: SYSTEM_at_XAVIER.XU.EDU Phone: 513 745 4856 !!
!! Fax: 513 745 4329 !!
Received on Wed Dec 24 1997 - 20:41:37 NZDT

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