SUMMARY : umount says "Device busy" , lsof says nobody is access ing...

From: Fliguer, Miguel <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 16:09:05 -0300

My excuses for the late summary...

> Thanks (in no particular order) to :
Knut Hellebo
Scott Skeate
Bruce Kelly
Mandell Degerness
Kurt Carlson
Sean McGlynn
Lars Bro
Susan Rodriguez

Well, I solved this problem simply by removing the entry in /etc/fstab
for this fileset, and rebooting. This is the path I didn't want to
because I still don't know what happened. Definitely there was no
accessing the mount point or below it. Neither was NFS involved in any

I tried with uafuser, the program supplied by Kurt Carlson, and I agree
with Kurt that is a lot faster than lsof, but it also couldn't find
anything referencing the mount point. You can find uafuser in the kit

I believe (as Kurt also suggested), the problem is somehow related
to the clonefset business (we used to mount our database clones
on the involved mount point).

Bruce Kelly mentioned the existence of a patch for this problem
on 4.0D (included in the jumbo kit #1). Alas, we're stuck on 4.0B.

Lars Bro and Susan Rodriguez both suggested to check for the
presence of zombie processes.
Thanks again, long live to !!!

> ---
> Miguel Fliguer
> Miniphone S.A. - Buenos Aires, Argentina
---------- Original question :

> Greetings !
> We have a fileset (clone) from a domain (clone_domain), which is
> mounted via fstab on the mount point /clone.
> All of a sudden, we can't umount this fileset. It keeps saying
> "Device Busy". Of course, we tried lsof to find who was accessing
> the mount point :
> # df | grep clone
> clone_domain#clone 35538352 2848
> 35507664 1% /clone
> #
> # cd /clone
> # lsof | grep clone
> ksh 10782 root cwd R VDIR 4012, 165132 8192 2 /clone
> grep 10894 root cwd R VDIR 4012, 165132 8192 2 /clone
> lsof 10952 root cwd R VDIR 4012, 165132 8192 2 /clone
> #
> # cd /
> # lsof | grep clone
> #
> # umount /clone
> /clone: Device busy
> #
> No process is accessing the mount point, but still we are unable to
> umount.
> Hints ?
> DU 4.0B, AS8400, HSZ50
------ End of Original Question --------
Received on Fri Jul 17 1998 - 21:06:56 NZST

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