A xterm crashes system .

From: Gary Menna <G.Menna_at_isu.usyd.edu.au>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 11:52:01 +1000 (EST)

Alpha 4100A Ver. 4.0B Patch kit #7

Hi All ,
        This is a weird one .
        I have two Xterminals in a room .
        When I log on with one of them (CDE) and click on the
        "Application Manager" icon , it crashes my system .
        I have tried it on the other Xterm in the room and
        other Xterms on campus , but it only happens with this one .
        All the Xterms are the same . (NCD)
        The crash dump says :
_panic_string: 0xfffffc0000614d00 = "kernel memory fault"
trap: invalid memory ifetch access from kernel mode

        The _current_pid: 9033 is dtfile .
        Which is strange as the desktop is clear with no
        applications starting up at log on .

        I know it's a long shot , but does anyone have any ideas
        as to what it may be .
        It is only when I click the "Application Manager" icon
        which causes the system to crash , all other applications
        seem to work OK . And only on that one Xterm ?????

Thanking you ,

Gary Menna E-Mail g.menna_at_isu.usyd.edu.au
Information Technology Services Phone +61 2 9351-6360
University of Sydney (G05) Fax +61 2 9351-7711

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