Original question: Who knows about a *good* CD writer for OSF/Alpha?
Comments: The last listed (Young Minds Inc) have a BAD service!. I have
sent them an email several days ago and I still have not received
Thanks to Dadid Warren and Ed Murphy.
Original responses:
+ David Warren <warren_at_atmos.washington.edu> :
We use gear software with the Yamaha 400T (The model number keeps
changing as the modify the tray etc). It is a Yamaha 4X writer 6X
reader with 2 meg cache.
+ Ed Murphy <Ed.Murphy_at_ussurg.com> :
Young Minds Inc have a good product. Info at
++ Salvador Ramirez Flandes mailto:sram_at_udec.CL ++
++ Unix/Internet System Administrator
http://www.profc.udec.cl/~sram ++
++ PROFC, UDEC - CHILE Voice: +56 (41) 203737 ++
Received on Tue Aug 11 1998 - 22:03:47 NZST