SUMMARY:boot errors from Environmental Monitoring Daemon

From: Willig Reimund <>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 15:13:09 +0200

Hello daemons,
although Dr. Tom Blinn mentioned to simply disable the "Environmental
Monitoring Subsystem" by disabling the appropriate script
/sbin/rc3.d/S51envmon", because this monitor isnt't usefull on some
platforms and norunning should be harmless, digital support gave me a
workaround for that problem which should be applied after each reboot.

Just do the following.

ps ax| grep svrSystem (this process was always active on my machine!)
/sbin/init.d/envmon start

The initial problem is a known bug and should be fixed in a future patch
release. Nobody could say, when it will be released, sorry! So it's up
to you to decide!!!

Nevertheless, thank you Tom!!!

 mit freundlichen Gruessen
          Reimund Willig
       tel: +49-5205-941747
      fax: +49-5205-941725
  ** Schwer ist leicht was **
Received on Fri Aug 14 1998 - 13:15:47 NZST

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