Messages in /usr/var/X11/xdm/xdm-errors

From: Irene A. Shilikhina <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 17:26:01 +0700 (NSD)

Hello managers,

I've discovered that the file /usr/var/X11/xdm/xdm-errors on our system
is stuffed with numerous messages of the same content:

BLT engine hung in pwgaFillSolid BUFFERWAIT; resetting...
BLT engine hung in pwgaFillSolid BUFFERWAIT; resetting...
BLT engine hung in pwgaFillSolid BUFFERWAIT; resetting...

Though these messages are without time stamp, since among them there is
one produced with AUDIT system which HAS time mark (and whose interpretation
I know), I'm inclined to think that for that period when these messages have
been generated we have had no VISIBLE problems with xdm or Xserver.

I didn't find any relevant information neither in the DECwindows User's Guide
nor in X Window System Environment documentation (the more so in man pages).
In the archive there are a number of similar messages but all they differ
from these in what concerns "FillSolid BUFFERWAIT". Besides, all the messages
from the archive were accompanied with mentions of xdm failure.

So, I'd like to know:

- what is a reason of these messages?
- is there interpretation of xdm and Xserver errors available generally
  for users?
- are these messages alarm?

Additional information:

DEC 2000 model 300;
DU 3.2 (Rev. 214);


* *
* Irene A. Shilikhina e-mail: *
* System administrator, *
* Institute of Automation & Electrometry, *
* Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, *
* Novosibirsk, Russia *
* *
* * *
* Good intentions pave a path to * Every cloud has a silver lining. *
* the hell. * *
* * *
Received on Thu Aug 20 1998 - 10:29:57 NZST

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