SUMM: Recommendations for X-Windows/CDE --oops!

From: Sheryl A. Lemma <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 08:43:43 -0400

Sorry all -- I forgot to include the first three respondents (too high up
in my mail box! :)

Thanks also to:

"Matthew Huff" <>
I have most of my experience with Exceed. It is solid and I
don't know what other features could be added. Hummingbird has
an optimized X server for modem connections.
Personally I eschew all microsoft rubbish (for it is indeed all
rubbish) and run linux with X11R6 and a gorgeous window manager
such as fvwm2. now run the windows rubbish on a wabi.

"richard n. frank" <>
   We have some systems here running NT and an X package. I had lots
   of trouble getting the Hummingbird to work reliably. It did work,
   but it required lots of fiddling each time a new session was started.
   I am using PCXware from NCD. I like it and it cleans up the Xsession
   when you exit.
   Hummingbird does have an Alpha port while NCD only runs on Intel.
            rich frank

Again, deepest thanks and best regards!


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Received on Thu Aug 20 1998 - 12:50:12 NZST

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