named pipes

From: Ed Lewis <>
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 10:36:50 -0400

        I need some help with a named pipes problem I am having.
        The script I've enclosed uses named pipes to do an export
        of a Oracle database. The command will do compression
        as it exports.
        The command works fine if the database is available.
        The problem is when the database is not available, the commands
        that remove the named pipes ( rm -f ) do not execute, and
        the "compress" and "cat" commands will not be cleaned up.
        Is there some error trapping I can use to make this work ?
        Your help is appreciated.
                                                ed lewis
mkfifo /tmp/pipe
mkfifo /tmp/pipe_logs

cat /tmp/pipe | compress > /ora_exports/data/ &
cat /tmp/pipe_logs | compress > /ora_exports/data/exp_fulld_lxop.log.Z &

exp parfile=/ora_exports/parfiles/exp_full

rm -f /tmp/pipe
rm -f /tmp/pipe_logs

Edward Lewis
Received on Mon Aug 24 1998 - 14:44:53 NZST

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