Majordomo/Sendmail problems

From: Jonathan Reed <>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 12:40:42 -0400

Hi everyone,

I'm having a strange problem with Majordomo 1.94.4 on DU 4.0 on an
Alphastation 500. We are using NIS/YP aliases, and I aliased majordomo to
the correct location on the mail server. When I send mail majordomo
(either via an email client or the command line), I don't get a response.
If I check the "Log" file in ~majordom, however, it says that it sent a
reply. Checking sendmail's logs give me this output:

Aug 25 12:06:42 harpo sendmail[169]: SMTP connect from basso []
Aug 25 12:06:42 harpo sendmail[295]: MAA00295:
from=<>, size=604, class=0, pri=30604, nrcpts=1,
msgid=<>, proto=SMTP,
relay=basso []
Aug 25 12:06:42 harpo sendmail[232]: MAA00295: alias
<> => "|/usr/home/majordomo/wrapper majordomo"
Aug 25 12:06:42 harpo sendmail[232]: MAA00232: clone MAA00295, owner=jdreed
Aug 25 12:06:42 harpo sendmail[232]: MAA00295: done
Aug 25 12:06:46 harpo sendmail[365]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(majordom): cannot
chdir(/var/spool/mqueue): Permission denied
Aug 25 12:06:46 harpo sendmail[232]: MAA00232:
to="|/usr/home/majordomo/wrapper majordomo", delay=00:00:04,
xdelay=00:00:04, mailer=prog, stat=Sent
Aug 25 12:06:46 harpo sendmail[232]: MAA00232: done

It's the 3rd entry from the bottom that puzzles me: "cannot

At first, I figured it was a permissions problem, but even after I did
"chmod a+rwx /var/spool/mqueue) I still got the error.

I'm running sendmail 8.8.8

Does anyone know what the cause of this problem might be?


Jonathan Reed
Jonathan Reed

Systems Group Technical Support Associate

Whitehead Insitute/MIT Center for Genome Research

Received on Tue Aug 25 1998 - 16:42:16 NZST

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