SUMMARY: hypermail

From: <>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 16:55:43 -0400 (EDT)


I had several other people who also wanted to know the answer, I found
it via some digging. I did a whois on and that lead me to the
admin. contact for the domain who sent me the below form reply email.
The link to hypermail is: .


Here is the email:

>From Mon Aug 31 14:10:51 1998
Return-Path: <>
Received: from by (PMDF V5.1-12 #22589)
 with SMTP id <> for;
 Mon, 31 Aug 1998 14:10:51 -0400 (EDT)
Received: (qmail 4746 invoked by uid 501); Mon, 31 Aug 1998 18:10:46 +0000
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 11:10:44 -0700
From: Matt Ranney <>
Subject: Re:
In-reply-to:'s message of
 "Mon, 31 Aug 1998 12:59:07 -0400 (EDT)"
Message-id: <>
X-Mailer: Gnus v5.5/Emacs 19.34
Lines: 90
References: <>
Status: RO writes:

> Hi,
> I was recently try to find hypermail on, as it preivously
> was. Unfortunately, it does not appear that the site exist? I did a
> whois on and found you as the admin. contact. Could you help
> me either find Kevin Hughes (who did hypermail) or where hypermail
> is now currently kept?
> Thanks for any help,
> Cheers,
> Douglas

        The author is sorry to have to send you this form letter,
and apologizes for it! But he simply no longer has the time to maintain
his various older software projects.
        In 1997 VeriFone/Hewlett-Packard dissolved EIT (Enterprise
Integration Technologies). The domain name was taken by a government
contracting firm also called EIT, which had a trademark on the name
long before the of 1991.

-- (cut here)

        Thank you for your interest in hypermail! Included below are
the answers to some common questions about this software.

        1) What is the licensing status of hypermail?

           Hewlett-Packard (their legal owner) has put it
           under the GNU license, a widely used "free software"
           license. This means that you can use and modify the
           source code as long as you make your changes publically
           available and do not charge for their use (although, under
           GNU, you can charge for their distribution).
           More details are available at and

        2) I have a problem/question/patch/port for hypermail.

           "Official" development and support for hypermail is now
           graciously being provided by Kent Landfield on his own time.
           He has updated hypermail a bit and has fixed many bugs that
           existed in the 1.02 version. You can now access the
           documentation and distribution at

           People have indeed ported hypermail to DOS, Windows 95,
           and Windows NT (but not Java ...yet). Unfortunately, the
           information as to who actually did this free work, and the
           source to these ports, has been lost in time. :( If you have
           information about such a port and/or would like to contribute,
           please send your things to Kent and he will likely make them
           available via his site.

        3) Will hypermail run on my system?

           Hypermail can compile and run as-is on most of the more
           popular UNIX systems today. There is no version for the
           Macintosh, however. For information on Windows-based versions,
           please read the answer to question #2 above. If you're not
           sure if hypermail will run on your UNIX system, try compiling
           it and see!

        4) Is there a mailing list for hypermail?

           Kent says:

           "I've set up a hypermail development mailing list to act
           as a forum for us to discuss enhancements, bugs, etc.

           The list is a majordomo-based mailing list. To subscribe send a
           message to with "subscribe hypermail"
           (minus the quotes) as the body of the message. The Subject: line
           is ignored.

           The list's submission address is"

        Happy hypermailing,

        -- Kevin

Kevin Hughes * * *
Veo Hypermedia Engineer * Duty now for the future!
Matt Ranney -
Let's not let the students run the High School.
Received on Mon Aug 31 1998 - 20:56:56 NZST

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