SUMMARY:Removing a directory with 16,000+ files.

From: wander <>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 09:09:17 -0300

Hi again,

The question was how to fast remove a directory with actually 48,000+
files instead of 16,000 that I suppose before. And I got most of answers
telling me to use "find", something like "find ./ -type f -exec rm {}
\;". I tried that but it also hangs the NFS even if issued locally.
C.Ruhnke <i769646_at_SMRS013A.MDC.COM> gave the idea to save the find
result to a file and then via script remove one file at a time. I'm
working on it now, starting at 500 files at a time, then 100, and even
with 5 files at a time the NFS hangs. Looks like there are an enormous
fragmentation of this small 48,000 files. I'm using AdvFS and I'm trying
now some AdvFS related command to search some problem indication. The
script removes the first 5 files then sleeps for 30 seconds, then starts
to remove again more 5 files, but before finish this second group of
files, the NFS starts to claim and monitoring the disk via iostat, you
can see that the activity doesn't stop.
So, I'm still RTFM and trying to identify who is bad.
DEC/Compaq people any light???

Thanks to
"Sean O'Connell" <sean_at_stat.Duke.EDU>
"Matthew Huff" <>
C.Ruhnke <i769646_at_SMRS013A.MDC.COM>
Gary George <>
Chad Price <>
"MacDonell, Dennis" <>

    Wanderley O. Mendes	 	
    Software Specialist     
    Phone: 55-012-560-8432      Fax: 55-012-560-8435
    INPE/CPTEC - Cachoeira Paulista - Sao Paulo - Brazil 
Received on Wed Sep 16 1998 - 12:09:16 NZST

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