I was looking over another system recently and when I went to create
an account for myself, I set it up as I would normally with a different
home directory (or more precisely a unique home directory). I duplicated
the .profile/.login of the other users, however my login didn't do as
expected.....The problem...being that even though all the users had
unique directories, the home directory entry in the /etc/passwd all
pointed to the same directory structure. My question...My thought was
in this kind of configuration, if a program was run that would setup a
custom configuration file in the home directory, it could effectively
overwrite another users custom configuration. My solution for my account
was to place a cd to that directory then .profile at the end of my
.profile, so it logged to my directory then executed the global .profile
Am I being paranoid to be concerned about this setup (that is multiple
with the same home directory in /etc/passwd)?
George Gallen
Received on Tue Sep 22 1998 - 13:54:25 NZST