Follwup: XDMCP Message: A write error occurred: can't send data

From: Dan Kirkpatrick <>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 16:29:30 -0400

>Can anyone help with the following...
>Running Exodus Xwindows on a mac... use to connect to our DEC alpha...
>I reconfigured /var and /tmp....
>now it says
>"XDMCP Message: A write error occurred: can't send data"
>Anyone have any ideas?

The only change I can think of is I did a "set console serial".... and now
I can't start the xdm server.... I'm going to change it back tonight...

but is it possible to change the console to serial, and still run an xdm

Here's the error it's giving me...
>xdm error (pid 16000): error 48 binding socket address 177
>Fatal server error:
>Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't already
>xdm error (pid 16000): server unexpectedly died

(also, when I changed to set console serial, the serial term worked ok...
but constant messages saying "getty: cannot open "/dev/tty00". errno: 6")


Dan Kirkpatrick
Systems Administrator/Manager
Department of Physics
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Received on Wed Sep 30 1998 - 21:12:39 NZST

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