Hello, managers!
We tried to update a machine (AlphaServer 1000A 5/400) from 4.0b to 4.0d.
As I read one of the messages concerning patch removal too late: we have 4.0b
and all patches removed via dupatch.
We booted it to single user mode,
who -r
. run-level S Oct 1 08:39 S 1 S
did a bcheckrc (no errors), but
/sbin/installupdate /dev/rz4c
/sbin/installupdate: test: argument expected
Any ideas, what this could be or how I could get more information?
Thanks in advance!
Steffi Laurentius
ABB Energy Information Systems
Received on Thu Oct 01 1998 - 06:58:17 NZST