Hello again,
my question was:
we are getting a bit in a trouble while updating a DU 3.2g system up to
4.0D (doing a full install!!). At first we deportet the appropiate
diskgroup with
"voldg deport" an deleted all disks via "vodisk rm ...".
Next step we first wanted to know if an import would be succesfull so we
tried to import the given diskgroup with:
voldisk define
voldg import
the import failed cause one of the disks - a sliced one - stated "online
invalid" doing a "voldisk list".
The disk group, which has to be imported is a merge of sliced and simple
disks and all but this one can be imported!
the two failed disks all had a privlenght of 1024 while the others had
512. Because the voldisksetup initialized all disks with a standard
privlenght of 512 this two disk couldn't be used.
What we did was to setup the appropiate disks with "voldisksetup
privlen=1024" and everything went fine!
mit freundlichen Gruessen
Reimund Willig
e-mail: willig.reimund_at_gdr.de
tel: +49-5205-941747
fax: +49-5205-941725
** Schwer ist leicht was **
Received on Mon Oct 05 1998 - 11:20:08 NZDT