My questions were:-
> 1) Does a later patch kit also include the patches from previous patch
> kits?
> 2) If the answer to 1 is yes, for systems that only have the latest
> patch kit installed is there any way to check or is it documented
> anywhere that the patches from previous patch kit have been applied?
Thanks to :
Balaji Chandrasekar
Dion Rivera
for taking the time to reply.
They both confirmed my belief that patch kits are cumulative and
therefore only the latest need be applied.
Dion also said that a list of the applied patch kits can be found in
/var/adm/patch/log but unfortunately this directory had been deleted on
some of my systems and I was hoping for some other suggestions
After posting this question I went back through the archives again
(sorry I should have looked harder before posting) and found a summary
from January 1998 called "How to determine which patches were
installed." which showed how to find out which kit the installed patches
are from :-
# cat `ls /usr/.smdb./OSFPAT*.lk | sed 's/.lk/.ctrl'` | grep NAME= |
sort -u
Neil Luff
Tel +44(0) 171 917 4481
Fax +44(0) 171 396 3949
Received on Mon Oct 26 1998 - 11:41:08 NZDT